Volunteering is inspiring.
Volunteering builds communities.
Volunteering enriches lives.
Why Volunteer?
Become a Volunteer
The RI Day of Portugal volunteers are the foundation of the organization. We simply cannot exist without dedicated individuals who routinely show up and work hard for the betterment of our community. Our Volunteers are the heartbeat of RI Day of Portugal.
We’ve worked hard! Together we’ve accomplished so much. Seeing the positive results is extremely gratifying. Relationships and friendships were built in the process. We’ve become what is called the RI DoP family.
Our success depends on our volunteers. Won’t you join us? An hour, a day, a shift at a concession or help on a committee, whatever time and talent you can spare is an enormous help. Whatever you give to RI Day of Portugal, stays here in the Rhode Island Portuguese-American community!
Our scholarship program benefits our youth, and is a catalyst that directly benefits future generations.
Please spread the word, participate, and bring friends to all RI DoP events. PLEASE VOLUNTEER!
A THANK YOU to Our Volunteers
Thank you, volunteers!
Your generous contribution of time and energy as volunteer and your dedication to RI Day of Portugal is incredible. Your spirits are inspiring, and RI Day of Portugal appreciates your enthusiasm.
Our volunteers logged and continue to log countless hours for RI Day of Portugal and the community. These individuals are the backbone of our organization, and have lifted the Portuguese community to a new level.